Frequently Asked Questions:
Questions about scheduling game sessions
What do I need to start playing?
Welcome! In order to start playing, you and your fellow players will need to schedule a game session. The available options and rates for games are listed on the Pricing page, along with the expected session duration and the acceptable number of players.
Once that has been taken care of, I will work with your group to prepare characters for each player. If you already have a character that you would like to use, I will need the character's information prior to beginning the adventure. If you would rather use a new character, I have several remade characters that you can choose from, or you may use my Character Creator to order a new character designed to your specifications.
After your characters are ready, the adventure can begin! Due to COVID-19, only online games will be scheduled at this time. In order to play an online game, each player must create a free account with Roll20.com, an online virtual tabletop, and a free account with Discord audio communication service. If you wish to use a different online service to connect your game, all players must agree to use the different service before asking me to use a different online service. Additional costs may apply to use different services than what I usually offer.
What if I don't know how to play D&D?
Never fear! I will gladly teach anyone how to play D&D! All anyone needs to enjoy D&D is a willingness to learn!
I offer adventure sessions designed towards groups of beginners and newer players that come with premade characters to use. I also provide an in-depth explanation of how to play D&D that caters to your level of experience with role-playing games.
How do I decide which game option to schedule?
That depends on how long of a game your group wants, as well as your interest in special options that I offer. If you are looking for a long-term game that lasts for several game sessions, an ongoing campaign will save you money per session. If you are just holding a simple one-time event, you will probably be more interested in a one-shot adventure that can be completed in a single game session.
Can I use home-brew/custom rules/Unearthed Arcana materials?
In general, I will use only official content and rules in my games. If you and your group have a proposal for a special custom game, I will collaborate with your group to reach an agreement about what additional or unofficial materials to include.
Questions about my games
Do you create custom content, or just use published adventures?
A mix of both. I like to customize my games to my players' wants and interests in order to create engaging games. When you schedule a game, I will communicate with your group to determine what you would be interested in playing. Usually, I will come up with a combination of published and custom material that meets your group interests, and allow your group the freedom to pick and choose what you would like to try. If a group is interested in running a particular published adventure, I can DM for that adventure (based on my ability to procure it, of course). If a group is interested in a particular custom scenario that would call for extensive additional planning, it may cost more to compensate me for my preparation time.
Do you allow adult themes/content in your games?
No. All my games are all family-friendly and designed with content that anyone can be comfortable with and enjoy, no matter their age. If this does not appeal to you, I recommend you seek elsewhere for a Dungeon Master.
Do you run any game systems other than 5E D&D?
While I have played and appreciate games and systems other than Fifth Edition Dungeons & Dragons, all of my Dungeon Master experience is with 5e D&D. This gives me a distinct level of advantage with running 5e D&D games, but I don't have a level of familiarity with other game systems that would result in an enjoyable game. However, if your group is interested, I am willing to convert adventure materials from past editions of Dungeons & Dragons into Fifth Edition. This would not be an official conversion, but if you want the feel of an older edition for your game, check out the Retro Adventures on my Pricing page.
Questions about my style
What is your Dungeon Mastering style?
I like to make my games enjoyable and accessible for any group. My adventures involve a good mix between combat and role-play. I use imagery and detail when describing scenery and actions, but I tone that down when it would make combat scenarios repetitive and slow.
I believe that role-playing games are excellent opportunities to experiment with problem solving and planning, so I love it when players devise creative solutions to in-game situations, and I work to create flexible situations that can adapt to player ingenuity. I think that interactions between magic and physics can make just about anything possible, with proper planning.
¿Puedes usar otras idiomas para jugar?
En Español: Yo he sido un estudiante de español por cuatro años, y yo he tomado y pasado el examen del sello de biliteracy en español del estado de Oregon, EEUU. Nunca he jugado D&D en idiomas otro de ingles, y yo necesitaría aprender más vocabulario específico a D&D para hacer un trabajo bueno. Si usted quiere jugar en español, venga usted en contacto conmigo y es posible que podemos arreglar un juego.
In English: I have been a student of Spanish for four years, and I have taken and passed the test for the Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish. I have never played D&D in languages other than English, and I would need to learn more vocabulary specific to D&D in order to perform well. If you want to play in Spanish, contact me and it is possible that we could arrange a game.